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28 January 2014

5 health benefits of tomatoes

By on 07:22

Today's health article we will discuss about the health benefits of tomatoes.Tomatoes are abundant with nutrients and antioxidants that assist to battle numerous diseases and also maintain you healthy.

Improves eye sight: Vitamin A,which is existing in tomatoes, aids to better your eyesight as well as keep night-blindness and macular degeneration.

5 health benefits of tomatoesHelps fight against cancer: According to reports, tomatoes hold large quantities of the antioxidant lycopene, that is effectual in depressing the danger of cancer, particularly lung, abdomen and prostrate cancers.

Keeping blood health: Research advises that a single tomato can supply nearly 40% of the daily vitamin C demand and also holds vitamin A, potassium, as well as iron that is crucial for keeping normal blood health. Vitamin K, which is operates bleeding and blood coagulation, tomatoes assist in blood circulation.

Contracts the risk of heart condition: The lycopene factor which is present in tomatoes is beneficial against cardiovascular diseases. Consuming tomatoes on a regular basis assists to lessen the quantity of cholesterol as well as triglyceride in the blood, contracting the amount of fats in the blood vessels.

Advantageous for digestion: consuming tomatoes on daily basis can maintain your digestive system healthy because it forbids both, deadening and diarrhoea. It as well keeps jaundice and efficaciously withdraws toxins from the body.

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